Simulated divided lites are a popular design option for residential and even light commercial windows. The design intent is to create the look of individual …
The coefficient of thermal expansion is used to understand the rate at which a certain material expand as a function of temperature. This understanding is …
In the two preceding blogs, we discussed the historical importance of rubber based pressure-sensitive adhesives and their continued use in today’s applications as well as …
Indoor and outdoor lighting systems require different types of gasket materials to provide reliable seals against various environmental conditions. These die-cut parts can be used …
History In 1845, a surgeon named Dr. Horace Day made the first crude surgical tape by combining India rubber, pine gum, turpentine, litharge (a yellow …
I had great trepidation in writing a blog post on this topic. Firstly, acrylic pressure-sensitive technology is so broad in scope that the relevant information …