DeGoop is designed to provide manufacturers and contractors with a safe, effective solvent for the easy removal of caulking and sealants including silicone, polyurethanes, polysulfides, silyl terminated polymers, contact adhesives, and tapes.
Tape Glossary
This glossary has been assembled with information provided by the Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC) and other sources. This resource aims to provide a common language as we communicate with you on material choices and performance properties that best suit your needs.
Question Checklist for Tape Applications
Tape is tape, right? You stick it down and voila, success! If only it were that easy. The truth is that selecting the best tape for an application involves asking good questions; not only of the supplier but of yourself and your company. It involves learning and research. Put all that together and you dramatically increase your chances for success. It is not merely a matter of selecting a brand of tape despite all the good brands out there!
Checklist for 3M VHB™ Structural Glazing Tape
This checklist has been designed for architects, engineers, and glass and glazing companies that are considering the use of 3M VHB™ Structural Glazing Tape (SGT) or who have made the decision to use this glazing method and need a quick reference tool to make sure all the necessary steps have been identified